Help with Hygiene Kits For Men & Women in Need

Selection Men Women Both

Shampoo, body wash, a toothbrush - such simple things - we don't realize how important something is, and how grateful for until we no longer have. For many homeless individuals, days or even weeks may pass without having access to hygiene products.

Working with our partners, we are helping to distribute hygiene kits to those in need. To people who are unhoused, being able to shower, wash your hair, and brush your teeth can restore dignity. Providing someone with a hygiene kit could help them prepare for a job interview, or meeting with an employer. These kits also help provide preventive health care. For instance, providing a toothbrush can keep the mouth and gums healthy, especially when a person is unable to get professional dental care.

These kits can also go to teens in foster care who may be moving from home to home, without the essentials to keep up with their hygienic needs. Kits may also got to those who have suffered through a natural disaster or financial stress and could use the extra help.

These goods, while small can make a huge impact in the life of someone in need. You can send a kit to a man, woman, or both who don't have the resources themselves.

A kit for a MAN includes toothpaste, a toothbrush, a toothbrush cover, deodorant, a comb, shave cream, a razor, shampoo and conditioner and a cosmetic travel bag.

A kit for a WOMAN includes shampoo, conditioner, a comb, deodorant, a toothbrush, toothpaste, small pack of floss, lotion, feminine supplies (not pictured) and a cosmetic travel bag.

Do the most good and send one kit a MAN & a WOMAN!

6556-Mcclellan Rd,Minneapolis Nevada 15279,United States